Sunday, August 23, 2020

Of Mice And Men: Symbolism Essay

In the novel, of mice and men, theer was symbolizm all through the story. In the start of the novel the stting was great, as â€Å"The Garden of Eden†. LIke in â€Å"The Garden of Eden† there was a snake, and in this novel it slipped over the water sggestin conceivable malice to come. The hares then again symoloized Lenny’s satisfaction and goodness, and framed the bases he had always wanted. In the start Of Mice and Men, the story started resembling an ideal world. The creator portrays the setting as a magnificent spot where â€Å"willows new and green with each spring: .(p.1) the ideal world takes after : The nursery of Eden†, how everything was set up and the surroundin was in paradise.† ON the sandy bank under the trees the leaves lie †¦.among them†.(p.1) It was a superb spot to be, on the grounds that the setting is tranquil and no shrewd or wrond doing is going on. The snimals don't live in dread in light of the fact that the setting is great and it sounds accomadating to everybody and everything. All idea the setting was flawless before all else, there must be malicious to come. As the snake was in â€Å"The nursery of Eden† as a type of shrewdness, there ought to be a type of fiendishness to come further in the story. Teh type of evin that appars in the setting is a snake. The snake additionally showed up in â€Å"The nursery of Eden†, and if so tehre must be a type of underhandedness to come. At the point when the snake slipped over the pool, it analyzed the scene like a submarine would when chasing down itz prey. The snake must of picked it’s target, similar to a submarine would. â€Å"a water snake alipped along on the pool, it’s head held up like a little periscope†.(p.7) And that somebody that the snake focused on probably been Lenny, in light of the fact that he bites the dust toward the finish of the story. As the snake slipped over the pool â€Å"the reeds yanked marginally in the current†. (p.7)When the snake moved over the pool and the reeds began to yank, representing the quiet world being upset by an abhorrent structure. Additionally, the snake represents fiendish and the negative vitality in the story, yet the fantasies of hares and the ranch, they r epresent great and carry positive vitality to the story and Lenny’s mind. Teh bunnies in the story represent Lenny’s blameless side. They additionally are a positive enery in the story. At the point when the setting was portrayed in theâ beginning, the hare showed up indicating that they are a positive vitality. â€Å"Rabbits comout of the brush to sit on the sand in the evening†.(p.1)Also the bunnies are an image of Lenny’s honest side, in light of the fact that the hares don't intend to hurt anybody yet just are there to comfort Lenny’s caring side. The bunnies were likewise in Lenny’s dream of teh ranch. All he needed to do was to keep an eye on the hares on the fam. â€Å"And I get the opportunity to tend the rabbits†.(p.105)The fantasy about having a ranch and hares was what drove Lenny throughout everyday life. Furthermore, when George would depict the ranch over and over Lenny would get upbeat inside, and would picture the homestead in his mind. By the by, Lenny’s dreams didn't work out as expected/w as he dead toward the end, of the story. All in all, imagery is utilized all through the entire story, And â€Å"The nursery of Eden† was an ideal world as was the setting until the snake showed up. The snake was a type of shrewdness and he disrpted the setting with his quality. The fantasy of the ranch and watching out for the bunnies was an awesome dream, where Lenny’s creative mind would go to when George let him know of the homestead.

Friday, August 21, 2020

The Story of an immigrants life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Story of an outsiders life - Essay Example The reasons why individuals change the spot of their living are totally different. At times it is associated with money related issues, in others with different kinds of isolation, etc. The most significant thing is that difference in the recognizable environment may carry the individual to the difference in the entirety of his qualities and purposes. The point of this work is to break down the social occasion associated with the historical backdrop of my family and remember the itemized reflection for how this story influenced the feeling of my character. My story begins with the city of Bangladesh, which pronounced its freedom in December 16, 1971. The new nation confronted consistent logical inconsistencies between the official specialists and the goal-oriented battle to push ahead and make the progress. In 1995, my uncle Ahmadur Rahman moved to the USA with his family so as to furnish his kids with the better life conditions. His family would have never left Bangladesh, on the of f chance that they thought pretty much all difficulties outside the city.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Anger in Owen’s ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and ‘Mental Cases’ - Literature Essay Samples

Wilfred Owen, a war poet, uses a great number of linguistic and structural devices throughout his poems in order to express his anger at the war. In this essay I will focus on three of his works: ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and ‘Mental Cases’ to analyse and compare the effects and intentions of his writing and the ways in which these express anger. Wilfred Owen abundantly uses irony to express anger in his poems. This is very prominent when Owen addresses the power of weaponry, as he refers to the ‘monstrous anger of guns’ in ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’. The personification of the guns creates a distinctly ironic tone, which is continued throughout his other poems. Such personification also highlights the disastrous effects of the guns and indeed, Owen’s opposition to such killing capacity – emphasising his anger towards the war by demonstrating its futile nature. In the same poem, Owen had previously referred to the soldiers as ‘cattle’. This dehumanisation, juxtaposed with the personification intensifies Owen’s use of irony and demonstrates his anger towards the war by revealing the power that weapons held over soldiers, implying that men were inferior to metal. Owen maintains this ironic tone in his poem ‘Mental Cases’ when describing ‘the men whose minds the Dead have ravished’. Here, much like in ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, Owen again uses personification to express his anger at the war. He humanises ‘the Dead’ in order to emphasise how powerless men really were. The irony here implies that men were more effective from the grave than they were on the battlefield; again Owen’s intention was to demonstrate the futility of war. This concept, along with the idea that guns had more influence than men, heavily juxtaposes the way in which soldiers were portrayed by recruitment propaganda and therefore viewed by the general public during WW1. This further demonstrates Owen’s anger as he indirectly expresses the careless way in which soldiers were treated. Indeed, Owen profusely expresses his anger at the war by trivialising it, comparing it to a game. In ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ he illustrates ‘fitting the clumsy helmets just in time’, the choice of lexis ‘just in time’ giving the implication that, to many, the war was just a game. This reflects the view of many of the generals during wartime, who made countless decisions but never paid the price. Here, Owen’s intention was to express his anger towards his superiors in the war, through the use of a metaphor and to demonstrate how they carelessly dismissed the lives of so many soldiers. In the same way, Owen continues this harsh comparison in ‘Mental Cases’ by depicting the soldiers ‘pawing us who dealt them war and madness’, again giving the connotation of a game. Owen expresses anger at the war by implying that, during this time, his superiors were willing to gamble with lives in order to gain victory. Here, Owenâ €™s effective use of animalistic imagery with the lexis ‘pawing’, creates an anguished tone and continues Owen’s intention of demonstrating how soldiers were mistreated, portraying that they were regarded with as much respect as a mere animal and that they viewed as disposable and equally replaceable. By comparing the soldiers to animals, the effective use of dehumanisation also demonstrates how desperate and defenceless the soldiers were. At this point, Owen intends for his readers to feel sympathy, as he exposes the horror of what he and countless others experienced during wartime, which effectively expresses his anger at the ‘war and madness’ that he and others were an involuntarily a part of. Furthermore, another way in which Owen expresses his anger throughout his poems is through his use of iambic pentameter. In ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’, Owen describes the soldiers as ‘bent double, like old beggars under sacks’. By using iambic pentameter from the beginning of his poem, Owen immediately depicts war as a never ending repetition of suffering and expresses his anger at how helpless the soldiers, including himself, were during wartime: unable to escape it’s horrors. Here, Owen’s use of a metaphor extends this concept, strongly demonstrating the inevitable weaknesses of the soldiers when faced with such an oppressing and destructive environment. Owen’s anger at the war is again made evident when he reveals how little control the soldiers had in that environment. The use of iambic pentameter is continued in Owen’s poem ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’. However, in both poems, the meter is occasionally broken. In Ã¢â‚¬Ë œAnthem for Doomed Youth’, Owen illustrates ‘only the stuttering rifles rapid rattle’, breaking the iambic pentameter. This creates a jarring effect which Owen intended to show that there could be an escape from the war: death. Owen’s anger at the war is clearly expressed here, as he indicates that death was the only way to find relief during the war. In addition to this, Owen further expresses his anger towards the war and indeed, the death toll that it generated. In ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ Owen creates an image of sleep when he describes ‘each slow dusk a drawing down of blinds’. This effective use of pathetic fallacy creates a dark and foreboding tone and carries an element of closure. This metaphor could indeed be a euphemism for death itself. Owen uses this to express his anger at the war by demonstrating that for soldiers, death was as common an occurrence as the transition from day to night; indeed, something that took place daily. Here, Owen’s use of a metaphor could also be a reflection of the views of the public and their attitude towards death. The dark imagery diminishes the significance of death by comparing it to sleep, revealing Owen’s anger at the casual attitudes of the public, created by the hostile environment of war that people were desperate to downplay. Here, Owenâ₠¬â„¢s intention was to express the true nature of death and the heavy strain it held on soldiers. Similarly, Owen again uses pathetic fallacy to express his anger at war in his poem ‘Mental Cases’ when he describes how ‘Dawn breaks open like a wound that bleeds afresh’. However, by way of contrast, in ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’ Owen portrays death at the ultimate price, whereas here he reveals that, in death, there may be some comfort. This powerful metaphor implies that, in the opinion of some soldiers, it is better to die and be a rest than to be stuck facing the relentless reality of war. Here, Owen’s use of imagery and a sombre tone effectively reveal the way in which the unbearable nature of war influenced many men’s value of life and indeed expresses Owen’s anger towards war for causing such a great consequence. To conclude, Wilfred Owen’s poems ‘Anthem for Doomed Youth’, ‘Dulce et Decorum Est’ and ‘Mental Cases’ are all extremely successful, in similar and different ways, at portraying the unimaginably hostile aspects of warfare and the unreasonable strain these put upon soldiers, including Owen himself. It is through his plentiful use of structural techniques and employment of rhetorical devices that Owen effectively expresses his anger at the war.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Ancient Greek Underworld and Hades

What happens after you die? If you were an ancient Greek, but not too deep-thinking a philosopher, the chances are you would have thought you went to Hades or the Greek Underworld. The Afterlife or Hereafter in the mythology of ancient Greece and Rome takes place in an area often referred to as the Underworld or Hades (although sometimes the location is described as a distant portion of the earth): The Underworld, because it is in the sunless regions under the earth.Hades Realm (or Hades) because the Underworld was Hades third of the cosmos, just as the sea was the god Poseidons (Neptune, to the Romans) and the sky, the god Zeus (Jupiter, to the Romans). Hades is sometimes referred to euphemistically as Pluto, which refers to his wealth, but the Lord of the Underworld had little in the way of a following. Underworld Myths Perhaps the most familiar story about the Underworld is that of Hades taking an unwilling young goddess Persephone below the earth to live with him as his queen. While Persephone was allowed back to the land of the living, because she had eaten (pomegranate seeds) while with Hades, she had to return to Hades every year. Other stories include Theseus being trapped on a throne in the Underworld and various heroic voyages to rescue people down below. Nekuia Several myths involve a voyage to the Underworld (nekuia*) to obtain information. These voyages are made by a living hero, usually, the son of a god, but in one case a fully mortal woman. Because of the details of these trips, even at such a great remove both in time and space, we know some details of ancient Greek visions of Hades realm. For instance, access to the Underworld is somewhere in the west. We also have a literary idea of whom one might meet at the end of ones life, should this particular vision of the after-death happen to be valid. Life in the Underworld The Underworld is not entirely unlike Heaven/Hell, but its not the same, either. The Underworld has a glorious area known as the Elysian Fields, which is similar to Heaven. Some Romans tried to make the area around the burial site of prominent wealthy citizens resemble the Elysian Fields [Burial Customs of the Romans, by John L. Heller; The Classical Weekly (1932), pp.193-197]. The Underworld has the dark or murky, torturous area known as Tartarus, a pit beneath the earth, corresponding with Hell and also the home of Night (Nyx), according to Hesiod. The Underworld has special areas for various types of deaths  and contains the Plain of Asphodel, which is the joyless realm of ghosts. This last is the main area for the souls of the dead in the Underworld -- neither torturous nor pleasant, but worse than life. Like the Christian Judgment Day and the ancient Egyptian system, which uses scales to weigh the soul to judge ones fate, which could be an afterlife better than the earthly one or an eternal end in the jaws of Ammit, the ancient Greek Underworld employs 3 (formerly mortal) judges. House of Hades and Hades Realm Helpers Hades, who is not the god of death, but of the dead, is Lord of the Underworld. He doesnt manage the limitless Underworld denizens on his own  but has many helpers. Some led their earthly lives as mortals -- specifically, those selected as judges; others are gods. Hades sits on the Underworld throne, in his own House of Hades, beside his wife, the queen of Hades realm, Persephone.Near them is Persephones assistant, a powerful goddess in her own right, Hecate.One of the attributes of the messenger and commerce god Hermes -- that of Hermes Psychopomp -- puts Hermes in contact with the Underworld on a regular basis.Personifications of various sorts reside in the Underworld and some of the creatures of death and the Afterlife appear to be on the periphery.Thus the boatman, Charon, who ferries the souls of the deceased across, might not actually be described as inhabiting the Underworld, but the area around it.We mention this because people argue over similar matters -- like whether Hercules went all the way to the Underworld when he rescued Alcestis from Death (Thanatos). For non-academic purposes, whatever the shady area in which Thanatos looms may be considered part of the Underworld complex. *You may see the word katabasis instead of nekuia. Katabasis refers to a descent and can refer to the walk down to the Underworld. Which Is Your Favorite Underworld Myth? Hades is Lord of the Underworld, but he doesnt manage the Underworlds limitless denizens on his own. Hades has many helpers. Here are 10 of the most important gods and goddesses of the Underworld: Hades- Lord of the Underworld. Combined with Plutus (Pluto) lord of wealth. Although there is another god who is the official god of death, sometimes Hades is considered to be Death. Parents: Cronus and RheaPersephone- (Kore) Wife of Hades and queen of the Underworld. Parents: Zeus and Demeter or Zeus and StyxHecate- A mysterious nature goddess associated with sorcery and witchcraft, who went with Demeter to the Underworld to fetch Persephone, but then stayed to assist Persephone. Parents: Perses (and Asteria) or Zeus and Asteria (a second-generation Titan) or Nyx (Night) or Aristaios or Demeter (see Theoi Hecate)Erinyes- (Furies) The Erinyes are goddesses of vengeance who pursue their victims even after death. Euripides lists three. These are Alecto, Tisiphone, and Megaera. Parents: Gaia and the blood from the castrated Uranus or Nyx (Night) or Darkness or Hades (and Persephone) or Poine (see Theoi Erinyes)Charon- The son of Erebus (also a region of the Underworld in which both the Elysian Fields and the Plain of Asphodel are found) and the Styx, Charon is the ferryman of the dead who takes an obol from the mouth of each dead person for each soul he ferries over to the Underworld. Parents: Erebus and NyxAlso, note the Etruscan god Charun.Thanatos- Death [Latin: Mors]. A son of Night, Thanatos is the brother of Sleep (Somnus or Hypnos) who along with the gods of dreams seem to inhabit the Underworld. Parents: Erebus (and Nyx)Hermes- A conductor of dreams and a chthonian god, Hermes Psychopompous herds the dead towards the Underworld. He is shown in art conveying the dead to Charon. Parents: Zeus (and Maia) or Dionysus and AphroditeJudges: Rhadamanthus, Minos, and Aeacus.Rhadamanthus and Minos were brothers. Both Rhadamanthus and Aeacus were renowned for their justice. Minos gave laws to Crete. They were rewarded for their endeavors with the position of judge in the Underworld. Aeacus holds the keys to Hades. Parents: Aeacus: Zeus and Aegina; Rhadamanthus and Mi nos: Zeus and EuropaStyx- Styx lives at the entrance to Hades. Styx is also the river that flows around the Underworld. Her name is taken only for the most solemn oaths. Parents: Oceanus (and Tethys) or Erebus and NyxCerberus- Cerberus was the serpent-tailed 3- or 50-headed hell-hound Hercules was told to bring up to the land of the living as part of his labors. The task of Cerberus was to guard the gates of Hades realm to make sure no ghosts escaped. Parents: Typhon and Echidna

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Kate Bechdel s Fun Home Essay - 2365 Words

On the surface, Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home seems simply to be a memoir of her journey towards discovering her own identity, and in the process, uncovering her father’s. However, the novel is far more complex. The graphic novel is not linear in the least, and mimics memory as it moves backwards and forwards in time, or returns to specific situations repeatedly. This is layered with the numerous references to previous literary texts in an interesting manner; combined, it provides emotional and informative layers to the novel. Bechdel starts to especially question binaries and pushes the boundaries of what it means to be a female and male in a relatively patriarchal society with no middle ground around the rules; as the novel shows, this affects not only Bechdel’s own pursuit towards her identity but has a significant, and ultimately fatal, impact on her father, Bruce. In the following essay, I shall be exploring the representation of identity in Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home, mainly through a postcolonial feminist lens. My analysis will focus on Bruce and Alison’s interactions with each other and how Bechdel deconstructs the stereotypical ideals of gender roles and sexuality, via intertextual references. Feminist theory, though contrary to what the statement may suggest, is not simply one theory but consists of branches of various critical approaches that target specific aspects of literature in terms of the representation of female writers (and other artists) and the feminine

Corporate Social Responsibility Of Starbucks

Question: Discuss about the Corporate Social Responsibility of Starbucks. Answer: Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility is the commitment made by a business to act ethically and to make contribution towards the economic development and improving the life quality of workforce as well as of their families, of the local community and society as a whole (Schwartz, M. (2011). CSR is the obligation of the company towards its shareholders and those groups or people who have interest in the company. CSR is not concerned only with the shareholders; it also includes customers, suppliers, investors and employees; and the community that surrounds the business (Anaejionu, R, 2016). We know that shareholders have various needs and that has to be fulfilled by the company. The customers desire for safe products and valuable services from the company whereas, an employee is in need of fair wage policy and working conditions should be safe. An investor wants to enhance its profit by making investment in the company and the community expects that the business limits its activities that ar e responsible for causing pollution. CSR aims at maximizing the good causes and reducing the bad effects in the business activities (Kotler, P and Lee, N, 2011). There are basically four areas that describe the social responsibility of a corporate. These are legal, ethical, economic and philanthropic. Legal: A corporate should always ensure that their business practices are legal and are obeying regulations to protect the consumer needs, because the customers rely on a business that are truthful regarding the products and services that they offer (Werther, W and Chandler, D, 2010). If a company is penalized or ceased to perform its activities due to illegal practices it will ultimately affect the customers of that company (Brennan, D, 2011). Economic: The economic responsibility of a company is to make profit and to be capable of returning a good amount of interest to their investors. Creation of job opportunities to the community and the contribution of producing useful products and services is also the responsibility that lies in the hand of a company. Ethical: The ethical responsibility of an organization is to manage waste, recycle and balance consumption. These areas are often regulated by the government and it is voluntary for a company to go beyond what law requests to bring sustainability for future generation. Philanthropic It is the philanthropic responsibility of a company to promote human welfare and to spread goodwill of its own (You, J, 2015). All these areas are covered under the scope of CSR of an organization. Starbuck Background Starbuck was founded in 1971; it was the first retail store that opened in Seattles Pike Place Market in US. The name of the company is an inspiration from Moby Dick, that it was an evoke from the romance of high seas with the seafaring tradition of early traders who dealt in coffee. In 1981, Howard Schultz showed interest in Starbuck and wanted to be a part of it. He worked very hard and his ideas had potential to expand the enterprise outside Seattle. Currently, Starbuck has reached a new height of success in expanding their business worldwide and it also aims at providing excellent customer services to maintain the reputation of the company. Business Ethics and Compliance Starbucks totally believes in conducting business ethically and to strive to do business in a right manner to bring success. Business Ethics and Compliance is a process that strongly supports the mission of Starbucks and helps to protect the culture and reputation of the company. This program aims at developing and distributing awareness and to facilitate legal compliance along with ethical training. Starbucks takes initiative to investigate into the matter and issues that brings conflicts and disinterest of the partners. All the partners are requested to discuss issues and challenges that the company faces by building good communication channels (Simpson, J and Taylor, J, 2013). As a result of this program it was developed that most of the issues where related to the employees of the company. This trend is the same in other companies as well. After this the company made sure that these issues are resolved as soon as possible and the enterprise can maintain its ethical code of conduct in their business activities. To maintain the standard of Business Conduct, the company has issued a booklet which is distributed to all its partners so that it becomes helpful at the time of decision making (Mullerat, R, 2010). It sets standards so that a brief statement can be obtained regarding the companys expectation and the ways to match the desired standards. The standard of business conduct program helps in accomplishing the mission and objectives of the company by maintaining their core values. Starbuckss behavior towards CRS Starbucks aims to commit good governance, ethical code of conduct and social responsibility in the way they perform their business. The employee satisfaction and retention of the company is high because of the good CSR practices (Fridell, G, 2007). Customers are attracted more to the company because they perform CSR responsibly and this is the driving force for the organization. The measures company take to reduce its impact on the environment are initially cost consuming but for the longer run they prove to be beneficial in terms of reducing environmental damage and cost saving. The company invests in the measures to strengthen their supply chain that ensures them a sustainable growth. The company seeks approval and necessary licenses to operate from the concern regulating authority. The companys board of directors strongly takes the responsibility in following the ethical governance principles. The companys board has always been classified and the criteria for the appointment of the board member have always personal integrity and ethics on the top of the list along with considering professional and personal background. A strong and ethical corporate culture is important for the success of the organization. The company provides guidelines through a program called Starbucks Business Ethics and Compliance. The way the company manages its corporate social responsibility shows that the company is willing to identify and prioritize the issues that have emerged and is able to address them in a systematic and integrated manner. Along with a dedicated team to take care of the CSR initiatives the company has also formed three cross-functional teams that take care of the specific responsibilities, the teams are, Emerging Issues Council and CSR Executive Committee. The Emerging Issues Council was established in the year 2004 to identify and map the external key trends and issues that may impacts the business of the company. The council may involve external stakeholders to gain input once the issues are identified. CSR Executive Committee was established to strengthen the overall CSR governance of the company. The aim of this committee is to set strategies and policies, to monitor the progress the company has made against its objectives, to oversee the CSR structure of organization at the local, regional and global level, to ensure that the integration and implementation is done throughout the company and to approve and review the social investment activity (Wolf and Ruth, 2014). Managing CSR Starbucks manages its CSR policies in such a way that the emerging challenges can be easily evolved. It has a shared accountability for CSR, so the company is relying on a dedicated CSR group (Niahkaew, P, 2010). In Starbucks the top executives are reported on day to day basis if there is any CSR related issues. This group aims at managing CSR at different levels; at the business level, department or division level. Beside this group there are other groups that ensure that the company is successful in matching the legal formalities prescribed by the Government in this regard. Starbucks social responsibility is considered to be the best CSR strategy which focuses on the three pillars which are Community, Following Ethical Sourcing, and Taking Care of the Environment. It is observed that Starbucks is working for the development of the society. Its prime focus is to give back to the society what they have actually utilized. To create a positive impact on the society it has developed many community stores associating with the local nonprofit organizations. It has focused all its resources in developing the community resources by incorporating various social service schemes (Environmental Stewardship,2016) They have integrated social responsibility as a part of their corporate strategy. Howard Schultz has emphasized on Corporate Social Responsibility while focusing on its structure. Their prime focus is development of community and environment as they are the most essential for any country. Social responsibility is a pattern used by the organizations to support the natural resources throughout the world. Starbucks is a pioneer leader of promoting social responsibility in its daily working (Wolf, Ruth, 2014). Sustainability Initiatives by Starbucks Starbucks has more than 24,464 stores which are operating in 34 countries and serving the best coffee to its customers. Their mission is to provide their customers the best coffee experience by supporting the environment and their farmers. They are focused on promoting their brand as the ethical brand throughout the world. There multiple programs for the society are considered one of the best schemes. Many organizations are focusing on developing their CSR plan as per the Starbucks. The employees are asked to promote the organizational interest in the favor of the company. For accomplishing the purpose Starbucks has developed various plans to accommodate the environmental balance in their daily practice (Ottman, 2011). Energy conversation Starbucks understands that most of the carbon emission is created through their stores; therefore they are focusing on developing eco-friendly projects. Starbucks is focusing on utilizing the renewable source of energy as this will cause a lesser harm to the society. Several investments are made in developing energy efficient plants. There store are striving hard on developing the plants which are creating an efficient energy (Goals Progress: Energy Conservation,2016). Water conversation and recycling The stores are utilizing a lot of water in the daily routine job which is a matter of concern for the company. Starbucks is utilizing a technique which makes less water wastage. All their stores follow strong instructions which are helping in managing the renewable resources (Water Conservation, 2016). Non-renewable resources are causing harm to the environment. Starbucks work with the local community for recycling the resources which it is putting into use. They have introduced various rewards points in reducing the garbage which is created by them. It offers a ten cent reduction rewards to its customers which own a reusable cup (Recycling and Reducing Waste, 2016). Green building They are always finding new ways to design their stores which are putting lesser impact over environment. They are utilizing responsible business materials and energy efficient material to create a difference to the society. They are using LEED Certification programs to protect the environment which was created by United States Building Council. The materials they are using for the construction are energy efficient. The green Starbucks building signify environment friendly measures (Building Greener Stores, 2016). Climate change They advocate on utilizing the energy efficient resources. They have collaborated with various communities to improve the coffee production, and restoration of the natural habitat. They are promoting the interest of their farmers while implementing the energy friendly resources. Starbucks knows that they are utilizing a huge amount of resources from the environment which makes it necessary to focus on the eco-friendly use of resources (Tackling Climate Change, 2016) Responsibility for Farmers It has partnered with various organizations to promote the interest of their farmers. They have issued certain guidelines for managing the ethical sourcing of coffee. The project is called as CAF (Coffee and Farmer Equity) practices. They emphasize on growing the coffee in a way which is beneficial for people as well as the environment. This program is focuses on managing the natural resources with the needs. The program is focused on sustainable utilization of environment by combining the goals in meeting the requirements (Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices, 2016). There initiatives are made on fair pricing, precision, responsible buying and an environmental friendly purchase. They have combined the efforts with the third party to monitor the interest of the farmers. They are working with the local government and ensuring that their farmers are not deprived of utility. Sourcing Cocoa The cocoa farming is also given much priority same as the CAF program. Starbucks ensures that the cocoa they are using is based on high standards. For this purpose they have teamed up with many organizations in the favor of promoting the interest of the farmers in the West Africa. Support for the farmers Howard Schultz believes in the theory of giving back to the society. The large amount of coffee is imported from the African and Asian countries. It is believed that long term success of an organization depends upon the farmers who are growing high standard coffee. They have launched various programs for supporting the interest of their farmers. A support center for farmers is introduced to teach them the techniques of farming. It will help Starbucks in managing the resources under the harsh circumstances. Social change is a part of the competitive world as the world is growing at a rapid speed. Companies are utilizing the resources at the same time which is causing a burden over the environment. Profit and social responsibility are mutually important for the success of the organization. Both are valuable for estimating the brand value, which largely shows that both the concepts are correlated (Ethical Sourcing: Coffee, 2016). Interest of Stakeholders The interest of the stakeholders is important while managing the corporate social responsibility. The company works under various circumstances where it needs to manage the interest of various people. Starbucks is focused on managing the interest of its stakeholders by focusing on them individually. The various stakeholders whose interest is allied with the interest of the organizations are as follows: Environment Globalization has led to cross-border transactions which has caused a burden over the environment. The whole world is concerned over the growing environmental issues. Various programs of Starbucks are focused on managing the interest of the stakeholders. They are regularly emphasizing on the policies which enables safeguarding the environmental issues. Suppliers The interests of the suppliers are given prior importance while managing the environment. Starbucks consider that the interest of the farmers is their utmost duty. They should be given equal importance by focusing on various initiatives. Starbucks is known for the best quality of coffee all over the world. Although the brand is quiet expensive but they have a large follower of coffee lovers around the world. A program related to improving farming techniques is introduced over the past decade to manage the quality level of coffee. Customers Strengthening the brand name and customers satisfaction is the priority of Starbucks. They are focused to serve the interest of their customers in developing the programs which provides utmost benefit to their customers. They have introduced different products as per the taste of their customers. Developing product as per the taste bud of the local customers is the USP of the brand. Communities Starbucks is a place for various community meetings. It is providing a major source to voluntary organization to procure the funds. They are focused on establishing 50 stores by 2018 to promote the community interest. It is the part of CSR to work in good faith for the under privelidge communities. Employees Starbucks understands that the employees are the biggest asset in an organization. Schultz has focused on creating a friendly environment for the employees where they can grow. For providing the best culture to its employees they have introduced the health care programs. To achieve the safety of the employees they closed 10% of their stores in 2006 to provide health benefit schemes. Their policy focuses on benefiting the interest of the employees. They have introduced Bean stock scheme which promotes the interest of the employees and creates a sense of belongingness. It is essential for an organization to focus on the physical and intellectual well-being. Starbucks has realized that it will help them to achieve the result on a long run. Nowadays many organizations understand the importance of CSR and they know that it will benefit them in a long run (Peng, 2009) (Scott,2016). Starbucks: Reasons for Success In the present world Starbucks is the leading retailer of coffee, it produces and sells a wide variety of beverages, and pastries and confections all over the world (Gilbert, S, 2008). It also sells their beans to airlines, businesses and hotels, restaurants, and produces a premium line of teas long with a line of small disc packs in their company related stores. The company has made a huge success in the global world because of an excellent approach shown by their employees. Starbucks try to relate their activities keeping in view the culture and values of their valuable customers. They invest and create a unique relationship with their employees and try to develop an understanding to meet the expectations of their employees. Starbucks is an innovator by following all the guidelines related to discipline and good management. They try to bring innovation and new ideas in the business to cope up with the emerging changes in the needs and wants of their potential customers. Challenges faced by Starbucks The major challenges faced by Starbucks are competitors and there increased interference in their product line, as the rivals started to deal in the same products that Starbucks has been dealing in. Starbuck has an issue of lack of experience in conducting business activities in a market that is price sensitive and due to this it sometimes becomes difficult to maintain its position against their business rivals. Starbucks is now trying to plan its marketing mix strategy so effective that it becomes impossible for their competitors to maintain such strategies in their conduct. The ultimate upscale in their retail mix builds loyalty towards their customers and brings growth to the economy as a whole. Conclusion Starbucks is an enterprise that takes its CSR very serious to develop and maintain a healthy relationship with their customers, suppliers, investors and shareholders. Starbucks has successfully maintained its position in the global market by maintaining ethical code of conduct as per the market standard and values. The employees take initiative in bringing a feeling of satisfaction in the minds of their customers and dealers so that they can achieve a strong trust and loyalty from them. By fulfilling all the necessary requirements that an effective CSR policy demand for, Starbucks is one of the leading retailers who deal in coffee and various other products all over the world. References Anaejionu, R. (2016). What is Corporate Social Responsibility? ). (Online).Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Brennan, D. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: The Corporate Governance of the 21st Century. Kluwer Law International. Building Greener Stores,(2016)(Online) . Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Environmental Stewardship. (2016).(Online) . Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Ethical Sourcing: Coffee.(2016).(Online).Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Fridell, G. (2007). Fair Trade Coffee: The Prospects and Pitfalls of Market-driven Social Justice. University of Toronto Press. Gilbert, S. (2008). The Story of Starbucks. The Creative Company. Goals Progress: Energy Conservation.(2016).(Online).Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Kotler, P and Lee, N. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause. John Wiley Sons. Mullerat, R. (2010). International Corporate Social Responsibility: The Role of Corporations in the Economic Order of the 21st Century. Kluwer Law International. Niahkaew, P. (2010). Fairtrade and how Starbucks Engages in CSR. Faculty ofJournalism and Mass Communication, Thammasat University. Ottman,J.(2011). The New Rules of Green Marketing: Strategies, Tools, and Inspiration for Sustainable Branding. Berrett-Koehler Publishers Peng,M.(2009). Global Business 2009.USA: Cengage Learning Recycling and Reducing Waste,(2016)(Online) . Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Schwartz, M. (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility: An Ethical Approach. Broadview Press. Scott,K.(2016). Starbucks enhances pay and benefits package for US staff. (Online).Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Simpson, J and Taylor, J. (2013). Corporate Governance Ethics and CSR. Kogan Page Publishers. Starbucks C.A.F.E. Practices,(2016) )(Online).Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Tackling Climate Change,(2016)(Online) . Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Water Conservation,(2016)(Online) . Available from: (Accessed on 29/09/16) Werther, W and Chandler, D. (2010). Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders in a Global Environment. SAGE. Wolf and Ruth. (2014). Empowering Organizations through Corporate Social Responsibilty. IGI Global. You, J. (2015). Legal Perspectives on Corporate Social Responsibility: Lessons from the United States and Korea. Springer

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Rise And Affects Of Monopolies In free essay sample

America Essay, Research Paper The United States became a big topic to influence and alteration during the period of 1870 to 1900. This period was chiefly governed by the rise of monopolies and its affects. Through the ideals represented by monopolies, a force broke into American society that negatively changed her concern construction and the manner that companies were run through the late 19th century. America was supported with an economic system that went by the name of capitalist economy. Capitalism is An economic system characterized by freedom of the market with private and corporate ownership of the agencies of production and distribution that are operated for net income. This system allow concerns run their ain show. They had the freedom to turn at their ain will and over take all concerns in the manner. Such concerns began to shoot under this system. New industries began and supplies began to boom. Due to the sum of supplies that were available to the client, competition began. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rise And Affects Of Monopolies In or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This competition, brought about by the demand of supplies, created the theory of supply and demand. Supply was the sum that the companies agreed to sell at an ordered monetary value. Demand was the sum of clients willing to pay the specific monetary value for the merchandise. Harmonizing to this theory, if supplies rose above demand so companies are forced to take down their monetary values to pull gross revenues. On the other manus, if demand exceeds supply so Sellerss raise monetary values because the clients will be willing to pay the monetary values. This new construct affected the client greatly. The monetary values he had to pay were dictated buy the sums of clients there were interested in the merchandise. Companies needed concern, so they responded good to provide and demand. In order to pull the client these companies had to show him with the better merchandise for the lower monetary value. Industries were at changeless conflict for their clients ( net income ) . Solutions for new more efficient systems of production were being thought of by the shortly to be monopolizers. The consequence of the period of viing between companies was the rise of monopolies. A monopoly is An sole ownership or control, as of a given trade good of concern activity. Businesss wanted to crush out every one of their rivals. The big industries like steel, oil, and railwaies are great illustrations of the laterality of one company and its control. Since the authorities did non set bounds on the enlargements of companies, they became animate beings in a lively jungle. The big companies swallowed the close by little concerns. Large concerns began to take over their industries. They eliminated their rivals. They dominated all of one full industry. With this power they were able to cut down the sum of supplies and rise monetary values, in order to maximise net incomes. These monopolies took advantage of supply and demand. They besides saw that the authorities was non concerned about concern personal businesss at the clip. They had complete control over who worked and who did non. T hey lowered rewards to do production more efficient. Because one company had complete control over an full industry, the figure of workers who needed occupations were countless. Thesiss companies were able to command what they wanted to pay their workers because there was ever person out at that place that needed a occupation no mater what the wage was. The industry of railwaies began with the demand for them. This demand was really high and little companies found involvement in the hereafter of railwaies. The industry was a really healthy one during its rise. The demand for transit was get downing to be met by the countless railway companies. Soon the supplies began to transcend the demand. The industry grew excessively rapidly. Small companies were unable to last with the remainder of it rivals. The larger companies began to grew faster and faster because they bought out the rivals. In a affair of old ages the full industry fell into the custodies of few. Cornelius Vanderbilt was the largest name in the railway industry. He began his enlargement by the combine of railwaies. He purchased the Central Railroad and merged it with the Hudson River Railroad. He so spent big sum of money bettering the rail system and its efficiency. He so began to purchase every stock on sale. He wanted to be the one in charge and he was by purchasing ou t all his competition. His end was to hold a monopoly over all little concern. He had the Grand Central Terminal in New York City built. With this he had an imperium that controlled tracks from New York to Chicago. In Illinois the command of the railway monopoly was felt. Since a few companies controlled this industry, power fell into the custodies of few. The ordinance on monetary values seemed unjust to the husbandmans. Companies were non charged the same as the husbandmans were. This shows how the monopoly can set to suit its ain demands, non needfully seting for the improvement of others. In order for an industry to lift every bit high as it did, many have to fall. In 1877 the job with he husbandmans was taken to tribunal in the instance Munn versus Illinois. This instance brought up the subject of who should modulate concern interactions such as the transit charge for different organisations. The tribunal ruled that the authorities of the province of Illinois would modulate commercialism on the tracks. Ten old ages subsequently, in 1887, the federal authorities passed the Interstate Commerce Act, which dealt with the jobs that arose under the unrestricted competition. This act prohibited unreasonable rates for different groups in society. What this act did was prohibit the usage of many of the powers that the monopolies had. John D. Rockefeller was the proprietor of Standard Oil Company. His company finally eliminated competition by purchasing or deriving control of refineries through the E and mid West. He was able to turn out that he was the adult male that would the caput of the industry really early into his aspirations. He controlled approximately 90 per centum of the state s oil concern. Rockefeller integrated his oil concern from top to bottom. His organisational thoughts for his industry were horizontal. This meant that he followed one of his merchandises through all of its phases. For illustration, Rockefeller controlled the oil when it was drilled, through the refinement phase, and he maintained control over the refinement procedure turning it into gasolene. He came to be the dominant individual in the oil industry. He believed crude savageness prevailed in the jungle universe of concern, where merely the fittest survived. Rockefeller believed in a really pitiless manner of concern. He was out to win and merely win. He was now at the point that he controlled about the full oil industry, which was a necessity for the American people. They used his merchandise for the warming of their places, lamps, and for the few autos that were about. He about had complete control over America. He treated his clients and workers cruelly and harshly. An illustration of his ruthless head set and his power was when he threatened to get down his ain concatenation of food market shops. The Standard Oil Company urgently wanted every possible company to purchase their merchandises ( McCloskkey, p. 145 ) . He threatened to get down his ain concatenation in order to coerce companies to purchase his merchandise and no others. If he were to get down his ain concatenation of food market shops, he would set all the local merchandisers out of concern. Peoples are populating in fright of him. He has the power to raise monetary values every bit high as he wants and America has to pay for it. For the com mon adult male, live is a incubus. Their occupations are non unafraid. Through this monopoly, Rockefeller could fire who of all time and offer a lower pay and still hold adequate workers waiting to make full the topographic point. In the steel industry, Andrew Carnegie developed a system known as perpendicular integrating. This means that he cut out the jobber. Carnegie bought his ain Fe and coal mines because utilizing independent companies cost excessively much and were inefficient. By making this he was able to under sell his rivals because they had to pay the rivals they went through to acquire the natural stuffs. By undercuting he attracted the more demand for his merchandise. The larger demand for Carnegie s company caused other companies to turn up. They could non crush his monetary values and in bend could non last the jungle. He came out on top making his ain monopoly like Vanderbilt and Rockefeller. An illustration of his inhuman treatment and abuse of power was promoting unfriendly competition between two of his ain workers. He would take a firm stand that they would overreach each other. He besides treated his clients and worker like Rockefeller, with a cold bosom and selfish attitude. He did every thing for his benefit doing the remainder of the state injury. In the old ages between 1870 and 1900, the state of America experienced several new facets of concern. The people of the state felt fright for their hereafter. Monopolies jeopardized their lives and hopes. In a sense these trust brought occupations to society, which would be a positive facet. Yet these occupations were non unafraid. The labourers found work to be unbearable and found themselves wishing that they could protest. They knew that if they did they would be easy replaced. Their lives were based on fright due to the new construction of concern. The lives in fright were the lives that felt the negativeness of large concern.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Effects of Oil depletion in the near future essays

The Effects of Oil depletion in the near future essays Oil is a finite resource that originally developed from prehistoric algae and other microorganisms. Colin J. Campbell from Depletion and Denial states: The prolific formation of oil has occurred only a few times in the Earths long geological history. For example, almost all the oil from the Gulf Coast of the U.S. to Peru, including the vast degraded deposits of Venezuela, which hold even more than the Middle East, was the result of a brief period of excessive global warming 90,000,000 years ago. Algae flourished in those ancient warm, dead, stagnant, and anoxic seas. Another such epoch, 140,000,000 years ago, was responsible for the oil in the North Sea and much of the Middle East. (2) However, many people know little about the controversial issue of oil and oil depletion besides what they have been told by un-informed experts. It has become so controversial because of the difficulty in predicting the current oil supply. Most people are too optimistic in their estimates of the supply because of the dire implications of a shortage. Simply put, energy is the key that unlocks all other resources. As of today, oil accounts for 40 percent of all energy use in the world. This accounts for 26 billion barrels annually. The problem is intensified by large population increases and growth in energy demands. Jacob Fisker states that developing countries make up 80 percent of the population, but they only use 20 percent of the worlds resources. The developed world is the remaining 20 percent of the population, but it uses 80 percent of the worlds resources.(1) Furthermore, one perfect example of oil over-consumption is in the U.S. Its entire economy is largely dependent on oil for energy and many indispensable products. Many experts in the oil industry such as Colin J. Campbell, a petro leum geologist, predict that demand will exceed supply by around 2010. From there, it will pr...

Saturday, February 29, 2020

Analysis of the theory of recruitment practices in SMEs

Analysis of the theory of recruitment practices in SMEs The focus of this essay is to use observations from an ethnography study conducted in a small Chinese restaurant in the city of Bradford in carrying out an analysis of the theory of recruitment practices in small and medium – sized enterprises (SME’s). It will begin with a brief description of the study and the organization involved with details of all that was observed during the period of the period of the study. The results will thereafter be linked with theories relating to recruitment practices in SME’s drawing from a wide range of academic literature and a conclusion will be drawn based on what has been found and the overall implication with regard to knowledge in the field. It was a cold Thursday afternoon at the end of a seemingly endless array of lectures and tutorials. I decided to visit a Chinese restaurant in the Bradford city center for a taste of oriental cuisine and particularly make some observation on how small businesses operate in this environ ment. On arrival at the restaurant, a relatively cozy setting existed which created a sense of warmth and relaxation; exactly what I needed. I was greeted warmly by a female waitress who appeared to be Chinese although I’m aware she could be from anywhere in that region. There were quite a number of customers in the restaurant at that moment mostly busy with one meal or the other. Being a buffet, there was a lot of moving around with people getting up to take their meals from the service sections. I took a sit in a nice corner, place the order for my drinks and decided to look around for a while before my meal. The aesthetics of the restaurant was quite impressive with the walls painted in a combination of orange and brown, the lighting just right for the atmosphere, tables of various sizes depending on the number of guests and the right amount of decorations on the walls. How can I forget the soft music playing in the background? Even though I couldn’t understand a wo rd of what was being sung as it was in Chinese, the melody was just right. The nationalities of the guests appeared to be all encompassing. There were six middle-aged Caucasian males, two elderly females with a toddler, tow male Asians, a black female couple and three other young black female guests already seated in the restaurant. Three female Chinese waitresses were on hand to attend to guest needs and there was a male waiter at the bar who was in charge of the drinks. The kitchen staff that came out every now and again to replenish the stock of food was also of Chinese origin. This set me wondering on what criteria was required for employment in this restaurant. During the period of my observation, more guests came into the restaurant which comprised of two young female Caucasians, two adult female Pakistanis, one male Pakistani and a group of twelve made up of eleven males and one female all appearing to be from the same workplace as they were all dressed as having come for a f ormal lunch or to celebrate a successful business deal.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Critical review of methogolgies used within identifed lit serached Literature

Critical of methogolgies used within identifed lit serached articles - Literature review Example Alcohol addiction is seen in the dimensions of tolerance and dependence. â€Å"Tolerance is a state of adaption in which more and more alcohol is needed to produce desired effect. Physical dependence means upon interruption of drinking, a characteristic withdrawal syndrome appears which is relieved by more alcohol intake† (Suillivan, 2012, p. 13). This implies that alcohol tolerance is a situation where a person has come to a point where his body and system desires specified volumes of alcohol to function. This means the person has gotten to a point where drinking is more of a norm and his body has come to terms with the fact that alcohol is essential to his wellbeing and continuous existence. Physical dependency on alcohol implies that a person seem to get social challenges like seeking to be away from other people when s/he does not get to consume alcohol. In other words, physical dependence or alcohol addiction implies that a person cannot socialize or relate to others when that individual does not consume an amount of alcohol that s/he is used to. Alcohol addiction is therefore a maladaptive pattern of alcohol consumption that involves alcohol abuse and dependence on alcohol (Shenton & Turetsky, 2010). Numerous treatments have been put forward for dealing with alcohol abuse and alcohol addiction. One of such treatments is the drug, Acamprosate. Acamprosate works to reduce dependency and desire for alcohol. It therefore helps to cut down on the volume of alcohol consumed and enables a person to become more independent of alcohol. Acamprosate is said to work best where there is a support from a group or an expert in order to enable the patient to get guidance and assistance in abstinence. Acamprosate can therefore be said to be a drug that works with the combination of an administrator or a medical professional as well as other behavioural scientists like psychologists and counsellors who provide various

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Week4 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Week4 - Assignment Example Proper waste disposal management and poor sanitation due to congestion is another problem that the American residents of the 19th century faced, this posed a health risk, as the dirty conditions would be a breeding ground for diseases related to sanitation such as typhoid. With the upsurge in population, some of the essential services had to be provided by the government to mitigate the negative effects of the congestion. Some of these services include waste management systems to ensure the cities where people lived were clean and habitable for living. Another service the government provided was security services since with congestion crime also increased therefore the need to protect the people from criminals, health care is also an essential service that the government provided to the population (Boyer 34). Assuming the government did not provide the above services, the people would probably have formed vigilante groups to counter the problems of insecurity within the neighbourhoods. Waste management may have been solved by hiring of private garbage collectors or throwing waste into empty spaces within the areas that people lived in. Private medical services providers would have come in cases where the government failed to provide the medical facilities although these services would have been expensive. Among the above problems, the hardest challenge to solve would have been provision of health care since it required professionally trained personnel and specialised equipments in treating different diseases. The high cost of the treatment when provided by private health professionals would have locked many people away from these facilities. Insecurity would also have been a major concern since with formation of vigilante groups to provide security to the residents, retaliatory attacks between the criminal gangs and the vigilante groups would become

Friday, January 24, 2020

A Feminist Perspective of John Updikes A&P :: A&P Essays

A Feminist Perspective of Updike’s A&P Two Works Cited John Updike’s story, "A&P," starts off: "In walks three girls in nothing but bathing suits," and that pretty much sums it all up (Updike 1026). In the story, not only are the girls in bathing suits looked upon as sex objects, but other women are negatively viewed as witches, farm animals, or slaves. This story is about how a young man in the early 1960’s viewed women as a whole, including his own mother. At the beginning of the story Sammy complains about an older woman, a fifty-year-old "witch" with rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows, who is waiting to check out her groceries. She gets annoyed with Sammy because he is too busy drooling over the young flesh which has just walked in the door (Updike 1026). The first half-naked girl who walks into the A&P and catches Sammy’s eye is a chunky girl with a two-piece plaid bathing suit on that showed off her "sweet broad soft-looking can" (Updike l026). As if staring at this girl’s backside wasn’t enough, Sammy also noticed "those two crescents of white just under it, where the sun never seems to hit" (Updike 1026). How would this girl feel if she knew just how intensely this guy was scoping her out? Or better yet, how would you feel if someone’s eyes were glued to your backside when you were grocery shopping? That behavior, no matter what she was wearing, is totally unacceptable especially in a grocery store. Is Sammy at fault for not having any self control? It might be acceptable for this nineteen-year-old guy to check out a girl in her bathing suit; however, that would not have excused old McMahon, the deli guy, who patted his mouth and "sized up their joints" as the girls walked away from the counter (Updike 1027). "Goony-Goony," the next victim of Sammy’s intentional harassment, was presented in the story as a rather tall girl with "black hair that hadn’t quite frizzed right" for Sammy’s taste (Updike 1026). He found some reason not to be interested in this girl, probably because he was intimidated by her height. Obviously, perfection was not something he saw in anyone, except maybe the girl he referred to as "Queenie," who Sammy says, "has the nicest two scoops of vanilla breasts" he has ever seen (Updike 1028).

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A long walk home Essay

The whipping wind tossed and hurled the icy rain in countless directions, saturating the now shiny country cliffs. The tall huddles of trees were disrobed; leaving them exposed and stripped of their summer coats. Rays from the sun, were banished by the copious clouds that filled the once blue skies, and the raging storm antagonised the ocean until its fury could be heard from afar. Emerging from the evergreen woods, clinging vehemently to his school bag and protective coat, stood a young, well-mannered lad. This lad went by the name of Jack. Jack was a sprightly, yet gracious boy, tall, lean and of medium build, his skin was fresh and his eyes sparkled with a loveable mischief, which would captivate and sway any mother. Jack walked steadily against the elements, homeward bound. The wind bit at his flesh, like an adder bites its victims. He tugged at his hood, hiding himself from the driving unforgiving wind. And it was for this reason, this reason alone that Jack decided to take the short cut through the steep, sheltered cliffs. Read more:  Heavy School Bags Essay As the day closed in, Jack became ill at ease with his own redirected route. Oh! He had climbed the cliffs before, but never in these weather conditions, and certainly not this late in the evening, he knew oh so well, that if he didn’t make haste, the night would close before he reached the top. As luck would have it, the weather abated, the rain had eased to a mere drizzle, the wind to a light breeze. And so he made his way carefully and cautiously up the steep winding cliffs. He was nearing the top, when he suddenly realised he had taken a wrong turn, the path, such as it was, had petered out, leaving a very tricky way forward indeed; across slippery rocks and shingle; with a sheer drop either side. But, if he were to turn back now, it would be hours before he reached his destination; his parents would be gripped in the throws of panic. So, resolute and unrelenting, Jack continued along his arduous mission, until he reached a point from where he could no longer proceed, retreat offered no solution. Jacks dilemma seemed mountainous; there seemed no easy exit. The day’s light was diminishing rapidly. Jacks panic gripped him tightly; he needed to reach the top before the light faded. He scrutinized his location, scanning for any signs of help. Just then, a voice, a sweet friendly voice belonging to a girl, filled the air. â€Å"Are you alright there? You look as if you are in a bit of a pickle, would you like a hand?† Jacks anguished eyes searched for the source of these utterances, he saw nothing. Did his ears deceive him? Was it the wind playing tricks on him? â€Å"Hey! Don’t look so shocked and worried,† Came the sweet voice once more. â€Å"Who is that?† Spluttered Jack nervously, â€Å"where are you hiding?† â€Å"I’m here silly.† And there, in front of Jack, true enough, stood a girl about the age of himself, her wavy, blonde hair flowed to her waist, she was waif like, pale in complexion, slightly gaunt, but her piercing blue eyes sent out a radiation of warmth. She walked sure-footedly across the rocks towards Jack. † Follow me, I’ll show you the way,† whispered the girl, † that is, if you want to?† The girl offered her hand to Jack, Jack hesitated, she seemed friendly enough, but he really didn’t know her. â€Å"Honestly!† giggled the girl. † I wont bite you.† With that, they exchanged smiles, held hands and continued on their way, the girl obviously knowing the cliffs well, so assured did she place her feet. As they neared the top of the cliff, the boy asked. â€Å"Do you ever get scared, in case you fall?† â€Å"Oh no!† said the girl, â€Å"I fell once, I will never let that happen again†. â€Å"Were you hurt when you fell?† queried Jack sincerely. † It could have been very serious.† † What happened?† The girl sighed deeply, â€Å"I too got lost once. If it weren’t for this stranger, I surly would have died. He offered his helpful hand to me, but as I reached out, I lost my footing and slipped, I ending up clinging to the edge of the cliff.† † That must have been so scary!† exclaimed Jack. † It was, but scarier than that, was the fact that the stranger disappeared right after rescuing me.† † How odd! Maybe he was a ghost,† chuckled Jack. â€Å"Ghost? I don’t believe in ghosts,† said the girl, plainly amused by Jacks comments. † Neither do I,† said Jack defensively, in an attempt to mask his fears. Embarrassed at this, Jack thanked the girl profusely, bid her farewell, and continued his journey home. â€Å"Ghosts!† said the girl as she watched him leave. â€Å"What a peculiar notion.† Most close-knit neighbourhoods have strange ghost stories, as it happened, this community was not unusual in that fact. As this urban- legend would have it, the cliffs were inhabited by a ghost, a ghost who lead people to their deaths, an offering of a helping hand soon saw those who trusted it, plunged fatally off the treacherous cliffs. Was this just a legend to stop foolish children climbing the cliffs and hurting themselves? Or, was it something, far more supernatural? What do you think? Jack never saw the girl ever again.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Literature Review Cognitive Load - 1018 Words

Ian Harriman PSYC4825 - Watling 14 March 2016 Literature Review Cognitive load is the degree of effort that an action requires for completion, associated with working memory and characterised by elements such as reaction time and accuracy, especially within the context of conflicting stimulus (Lavie, 2010). A facet of the load theory of attention, closely intertwined with concepts such as perceptual load, or how the degree of effort it takes to maintain focus on a specific stimulus, cognitive load can be seen to focus more heavily on the problem solving elements of working memory and attention (Lavie, 2005). These problem solving elements of load theory are examined through the lens of instruction, which requires the use of the limited spatial, visual and executive functions of working memory (Paas, Tuovinen, Tabbers, Van Gernen, 2003). These limitations are, in turn, factored into a greater structured model of the cognitive load experienced during an activity. Three separate types of cognitive load can be identified: intrinsic load identifies the latent cognitive load that processing any task brings, extraneous load is additional load beyond the intrinsic which manifests from poorly designed or poorly implemented instruction, and germane load can be recognised as load relating to processes that construct and automate schema (Paas et al., 2003). All three types of cognitive load are additive, which allows for the establishment of a limited degree of cognitive loadShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Stress And Theory Essay1049 Words   |  5 Pageschapter presents a review of the various literatures in terms of books, journals and internet websites that were used to enrich the knowledge base during the study. This chapter summarizes the information from other researchers who have carried out research in the same field. 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An understanding of how learning occurs in stages is supported by cognitive architecture. Cognitive architecture describes how forgetting, and retention varies across the stages of learning† (Ritter, 2010, et al, p. 16). The research will aim to connect these theories of adult learning through my research. Literature Review Knowledge Retention The literature review will be focused on the fundamental foundation for education is based on the belief that knowledge andRead MoreThe Tranformation of the Smartphone1288 Words   |  5 Pagesextremely wide and diverse topic, we will focus only on cognitive load of User Interface Design. The user interface is one of the most important aspects of overall usability because it is not only a first impression to users but also the only communication channel between the machine and the human. The cognitive load is an indicator of how much mental effort a user has to make in order to familiarise with the device’s interface. 2. 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Bredesen (2014) asserts that some of the effects of cognitive decline can be reversed through his therapeutic program. Jimbo, Kimura, Taniguchi, Inoue, and Urakami (2009) also assert the potential of non-pharmacological interventions. They found that aromatherapy has the potential to improve cognitive function. Other non-pharmacological intervention s such as exercise orRead MoreEmerging Theories Of Adult Learning Essay1369 Words   |  6 Pagesnew knowledge is learned (Leberman, McDonald Doyle, 2016). â€Å"An understanding of how learning occurs in stages is supported by cognitive architecture. Cognitive architecture describes how forgetting, and retention varies across the stages of learning† (Ritter, et al, p. 16, 2010). I intend to connect these theories with adult learning through my research. Literature Review Knowledge retention The fundamental foundation for education is based upon the belief that knowledge and skills learned,Read MoreThe Benefits Of Bilingual Education873 Words   |  4 Pagesclassroom and whether or not use by teachers is positive or negative and finally some to the circumstances of the use of JC. In this chapter the focus is to attempt to answer the research question through a combination of the information from the literature review with that from the findings gathered. The plan, to gather qualitative information from secondary school teachers which would highlight their opinions and attitudes on the use of creole in the Jamaican classroom, had achieved the purpose forRead MoreMultidimensional Effects Of Bilingualism1117 Words   |  5 Pagesculture population movements, which has resulted in a growing number of multicultural societies, multilingual families, and children who identify as belonging to more than one culture (Diamond, Carlson, Beck, 2005). Psychologists, linguists, and cognitive neuroscientists have conducted considerable research to distinguish how learning, understanding, and speaking language contribute to an individual’s compatibility with his or her environment (Bialystok, 2010). Past research on language has focusedRead MoreThe First Potential C ause Of Learning Challenge For This Scenario Essay2163 Words   |  9 Pagesa. The first potential cause of learning challenge for this scenario is that students are experiencing high cognitive load. As the description of the scenario states, the students appear to be struggling because they are taking multiple classes with heavy content. According to Dembo and Seli (2013), working memory is limited in capacity and duration. This is represented in the way that students are having issues applying the knowledge on exam essays, because they can’t apply knowledge that they didn’t